Our School


The Beginning

In September 1964 St Patrick's Church was informed that the site was required, by the council, for redevelopment. The site chosen for the new church was not big enough for the construction of a school so alternative arrangements needed to be made. It was a difficult decision and needed changes to Parish boundaries and sites, but in 1970 St Patrick's Catholic Primary School opened on its current site in Graiseley Lane.

The School owes a debt of gratitude to many people including Canon Allport, parishioners, governors and the local councillor at the time, Jennie Lee.

Mission Statement

With Christ beside us:
we love, laugh, learn
and pray together

The commitment of the school to engendering faith mirrors the Parish mission to honour and praise God to every nation. The Department of Religious Education inspection report noted that 'Prayer and collective worship are embedded in school life'.

The Catholic faith is the ultimate source of the cohesion and creates a great sense of belonging. There are many nationalities at the school and there is scope to express identity without fear. The Ofsted report noted that the proportion of pupils from minority ethnic backgrounds is higher than most schools. This is a real blessing and represents the diversity of God's family, a little microcosm of the world. Of the 229 children on roll 47% are Catholic (as of 2020).

The recent RE inspections and the Ofsted reports considered the links between parish and school as strong. We have a regular school Masses at St Patrick’s. We have school display boards in Church that are filled to reflect the liturgical season or the Sacraments to be received. In recent years we have attracted some pupils to altar serving.

On Thursday 9th September 2010 Archbishop Bernard Longley celebrated a 40th anniversary Mass of the school in Wednesfield giving thanks for all those involved in the school over four decades. We also remembered John McConnell former chair of governors and Elaine Thomas who worked in the school kitchen and died in 2010.

On Wednesday 13th July 2016 Bishop McGough celebrated a Farewell Mass for Mrs Wozmirska, long serving Headteacher at St Patrick’s. After her retirement, the following headteachers served at the school: Mrs Helen McKenzie (2016-2019), Mrs Lisa Thompson (2019-2020) and Mrs Sophia Mulrooney (Principal since 2020). 

In Ofsted inspection (November 2018) school was praised for its ethos, behaviour and welfare of pupils: ‘The distinctive Catholic ethos fosters an atmosphere of respect and understanding that permeates all aspects of the school’s work. Pupils are kind, thoughtful and caring and there is a strong feeling of community.’

St Patrick’s Catholic Primary school became an academy on 29th February 2020 and is now part of St Francis and St Clare Catholic Multi Academy, which has been set up to unite the Catholic schools of the Wolverhampton Catholic Deanery.

During our Catholic Schools Inspection report from June 2023 we achieved overall 'Good’ (Catholic Life and Mission – Outstanding; Religious Education – Good and Prayer and Liturgy – Good). It says: 'The environment enhances Catholic life and mission; pupils flourish in a vibrant, faith-filled atmosphere where all stakeholders know, live, and witness the school’s mission. Consequently, it has a significantly positive impact on the life of the school'.

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